Monday 3 October 2016

Top Most Common Dental Problems Everyone Should Know About

Not everyone can stop himself or herself from eating unhealthy burgers and fries and not everyone is used to brushing their teeth twice a day. Every third person in United States is suffering from Diabetes while every 4th person in India suffers from tooth decay and they don’t even know it.

Dental problems are on a rise not because there’s a lack of medical facilities but certainly because of lack of awareness. People do not know the varied constraints of not brushing their teeth twice a day and they do not care to dig a little deeper.

Here we list out top most common dental problems everyone should know about:

GUM Periodontal Disease: Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two main causes of Gum Periodontal Disease. This dental problem has a link to heart attack and strokes. Gum Periodontal Disease is the main cause of loss of tooth among adults. A visit to a dental hospital in Ahmedabad which is providing with access to the best of dental care at affordable prices is something people should now consider.

Tooth decay: unhygienic eating habits and the hatred for proper brushing pushes people towards tooth decay. Kids are highly prone to tooth decay because of huge consumption of cakes, chocolates and sweets. Brushing twice daily or using medicated toothpaste can help people come over such problems.

Mouth Sores: Mouth Sores turn lethal if they are not cured within two weeks; one needs immediate medical attention in such cases. Dental clinic in Ahmedabad is helping people make the most of quality dental facilities. People can get their mouth checked on weekly basis and avoid diseases like mouth sores and tooth decay like a boss.

Tooth erosion: Too much consumption of soft drink and items that affects the PH balance of mouth can lead to tooth erosion. Tooth erosion damages the structure of the mouth and makes it difficult for people to eat properly. One of the best ways of avoiding tooth erosion is to maintain proper PH balance. One can use medicated toothpaste for maintaining the requisite PH balance.

Shreyas Dental is the dental clinic in Ahmedabad to visit when suffering from any of the listed mouth disease. The clinic aims to help people through all issues and diseases and provide them with a magnificent smile.